Has your crazy-busy lifestyle transformed your healthy body into a stiff, achy mess?
Perhaps, you’ve decided to visit a chiropractor upon the advice of your friends, families and, of course, physician. After scouring the best chiropractors in town, you must have shortlisted a few and are planning to visit one of them.
To dig in a little, chiropractic care encompasses everything related to the neuromusculoskeletal system– ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves and bones. For this reason, chiropractors are found in veteran healthcare facilities, multidisciplinary clinics, hospitals, and other conventional health delivery systems.
Before you head to their clinic, learning a bit about chiropractic care can help you understand their workings. Hence, we’ll walk you through three fundamentals about a chiropractor that everyone forgets.
Let’s dive in, then!

3 Fundamentals Everyone Always Forgets About A Chiropractor
1. Chiropractors Treat Joints, Muscle Attachments And Muscles
Contrary to what people say, chiropractors aren’t medical doctors since they don’t have an M.D. degree. Hence, neither do they perform surgery nor prescribe drugs to patients.
Instead, they treat joints, tendons (muscle attachments) and muscles with their hands to restore movement. Many a time, people go to a chiropractor to alleviate chronic neck or back aches.
They also treat referred pain, which occurs when one part of the body induces pain in a different area. So, if you’re suffering from headaches, neck pain, back aches, joint problems in your legs or arms, and whiplash injuries, you must see a chiropractor.
2. Chiropractors Do More Than Just Adjustments And Manipulations
Yes, chiropractors do not perform any medical procedures, but there’s more to chiropractic care than muscle manipulations and adjustments.
At times, they may stimulate your muscles using electronic devices– this is most commonly known as electrotherapy treatment. Alternative treatments include heat and ice therapy, deep tissue work, and relaxation training.
In certain cases, chiropractors also suggest a few exercises that patients must perform at home for quick recovery. Besides, they may advise you on weight loss, nutrition, diet and other lifestyle changes that are beneficial for your health.
3. Chiropractors Conduct A Physical Exam Of Patients On The First Visit
On your first visit, a chiropractor will conduct a physical exam after asking about the health issue you’re suffering from. If needed, they may prescribe an X-ray or a few laboratory tests to diagnose the issue.
In case of spinal misalignment, they will start the treatment from the first visit only if you show them a green signal. The severity of your health issue will determine the number of visits you’ll have to make at their clinic.
Note that they may recommend a different doctor if your underlying health issue cannot be treated with chiropractic care.
Wrapping It Up
From easing debilitating neck pain to lowering high blood pressure, chiropractic care offers serious advantages for your health.
Therefore, if you’ve been waking up with a sore neck or back on a regular basis, scheduling an appointment with a chiropractor would be a wise thing to do. After all, health is wealth– once it’s gone, no money can bring it back.
So, contact the best chiropractor today!